About Us

Who we are

About Us

Promote-Ed has been created from a desire to make a difference to the education sector through promotion, the sharing of issues and campaigning for a positive change.

Established in 2020 and launched in less than 10 days we are an Ed-tech business with a difference.

Created through personal experiences, which affected over 5,000 people in the most traumatic manner, our passion is to ensure it never happens again. Through building a collaborative network of practitioners, who can debate openly. we have a vehicle and voice to promote both their businesses and organisations whilst ensuring that the positive work of the sector as a whole is recognised.

Running a business within the education sector can be a lonely place, even for some of the largest providers (Colleges, Schools, Independent Training Providers or in the third sector or employers). Policies are often clear but the guidance that support them are confusing, widely open to interpretation and policed by regulators on an inconsistent basis. This has to change. Sanctions for poor performance or breach of the rules and regulations must be applied consistently and lessons learnt for everyone else.

Our aim is simple, remove the confusion, support practitioners and make the sector stronger.

We will not:

  • Investigate scandal, create scandal for readership or those that want to spread rumour and cause grief
  • Action calls from whistle-blowers, there is a formal process for this to happen and this should be followed consistently
  • Moderate comments on any articles and news produced that don’t follow our aim and core principles for the service.
  • Receive ‘leaked’ documents and use them for a purpose that suits us
  • Run conferences where we profit from with civil servants and others providing their services to us free of charge
  • Promote any individual provider, our belief is strength lies with collaboration not competition.

We will:

  • Act open and honestly
  • Be ‘the’ vehicle to promote our brilliant sector in all its guises
  • Challenge politely and constructively where our regulators issue guidance or policy which is neither workable or confusing
  • Become ‘the voice’ of the sector with the biggest level of participation across our various markets
  • Effect beneficial and positive change
  • Become the trade body for the sector which is truly independent – you will be able to come to us without fear of leaks and spins on your issues.

This is not a business that has been established for profit. Any surpluses will be utilised to promote the sector via bursary or other means and we would welcome views on how we can develop an open and transparent approach to this as we go forward with Promoting Education.

Promote-Ed will only achieve it’s aims with your support and most importantly your participation. Built and supported by practitioners for practitioners to make the sector more resilient and successful and above all promote success. It is now over to you.

Join us in the journey to a better, positive education sector.

Get in touch today to share the positivity!

Our Team

Sarah Marples

Founder and Guiding Light

This is Sarah’s second Ed Tech Business and is the founder of the idea and business. The passion to help the education sector comes from the pain she went through in supporting her husband through difficult times during 2019 and the determination to make sure that this can never happen again. She has funded the venture herself and will lead the developments into new sectors.

A teacher by profession, Sarah spent 30 years in the fitness industry and prior to that had roles in sales and was a Police Officer in Staffordshire. She established one of the first awarding bodies within a training provider, has been an IQA and EV for awarding bodies and training manager and director of large training businesses.

When she is not working, she loves to cook and spend time with her beloved westies who give unconditional love. She also has a bug for travelling, Pokémon and most recently is addicted to her Peloton and seeing the ‘spin offs’ – excuse the pun!, people have created from it, through the development of new business ideas.

Peter Marples

Director of Inspiration

Peter is well known in the education sector, having chaired a successful Multi Academy Trust, built two successful training businesses, owned a football club that went to the Premier League and ran the education practice for KPMG for over 12 years both in the UK and elsewhere.

An apprentice himself, with both his children and stepchildren all doing Apprenticeships, he is an advocate of this form of training.

A serial entrepreneur, he now spends his time as NED in a number of businesses in a variety of sectors helping business grow, especially around sales.

He created 3aaa and his dedication to building this business was destroyed in 2018 by people who will become known during 2020. He was subject to death threats, assaulted verbally and indeed physically during this time, and attacked by people who should know better. Indeed he was ‘thrown under the bus’ by people he saw as friends. When Sarah stepped forward with the idea for Promote-Ed, Peter immediately wanted to support it.

Peter, unlike Sarah is allergic to the Peloton and most forms of exercise. He likes travelling and generally keeping up with current affairs and occasionally watches football but has become disillusioned with how the game is drifting away from the true supporters but he has little patience with armchair supporters.

Pete has suffered with mental illness since 2003 and knows the effects first hand. His love is Sarah who has got him through the last 15 months and their shared passion for their Westies and of course their children and grandchildren – Mia Rose, and Orla Rose.

Poppy Marples

Director of Madness and Fun

Poppy who is the sister of Bentley is totally the opposite and we would not want her as moderator.

She is the energy behind the young members of the team and will be organising on your behalf parties and events if we venture into this area.

Creative, passionate and utterly bonkers, she is our party animal and will ensure we have fun when things get boring.

She puts her brother in his place and when she is not working, loves to shop and buy new outfits and generally have fun. Not a drinker, she loves water.

Bentley Marples

Director of all things Sensible

Bentley is one of youngest members of the team. We wanted this to ensure we could provide reach to younger people as we venture into the Schools market in the near future.

He is a caring soul but has a blunt edge when disturbed and enjoys time to play and watch the TV where he enjoys opera, being known to join in if the music is to his taste.

He hates the doctors but loves spending time in the bath and socialising in the local café where he is well known as an intelligent and thoughtful young man.

He will work with the team to provide reviews of content and you may see him moderating the forums to ensure people do not get too excited.