Adult Education (AEB)

Lateness of the ESFA in releasing AEB Tender results.

We have today contacted the Public Procurement Review Service regarding the lateness of the ESFA in releasing AEB Tender results. The following is our communication with them in regards to this matter.

We (Promote-Ed ( have been asked by some of the Providers in our network to support this contact to formally request that you review the actions of the ESFA. 

Promote-Ed was created from a desire to make a difference to the education sector through promotion, the sharing of issues and campaigning for a positive change.”

The ESFA (Education and Skills Funding Agency) held a procurement round for AEB (Adult Education Budget) provision, the results were due to be released on the 24th June 2021. However, the ESFA released two statements (see one attached) informing that there is a delay in rewarding process. 

The delay will seriously affect all training providers who have planned provision for 1st August and will affect staffing (possible redundancies) and cash-flow. The constant and consistent delays by the ESFA means that senior leaders are being loaded with additional stress at such a critical time, especially through COVID-19, and worrying about structure and if they are going to have the funding to deliver the recovery plan that has been promised to their communities. 

In our mind, it’s not just about the here and now. It’s about setting standards for the future and ensuring that agencies realise that this kind of treatment can not be accepted as it affects peoples livelihoods and careers. The government are looking for higher standards and social value in procurement, and therefore the ESFA are not supporting the government’s vision. 

We are e-mailing you to formally request that this is looked into and for an opportunity to set a precedent to ensure this does not happen again.

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